
Cell-penetrating Peptides and their Therapeutic Potential

Cell-penetrating Peptides and their Therapeutic Potential This entry was posted on January 6, 2021 by Michael Jennings. Cell-penetrating peptides, also known as CPP, have the ability to cross plasma membranes. Ever since the discovery of this ability, it has been exploited for a variety of applications, including delivering bioactive molecules to stop the actions of diseases producing…


Peptides as the Next Generation Solution for Anti-Infectives

Peptides as the Next Generation Solution for Anti-Infectives This entry was posted on January 3, 2021 by Michael Jennings. The presence of large-scale manufacturing and advanced synthesis technologies have currently made it possible for the production of even the most complex peptide anti-infectives. With the possibility of this class of molecules being seen as the next-gen of infectives, safe…